Yes, you can get in trouble. No, I’m not making that up. How do I know? Because I’m going to be sharing REAL LIFE examples of doctors and licensed medical practitioners who are being investigated RIGHT NOW - for practicing medicine outside of state lines. When? In my...
Legal Clarity Course for Doctors & Licensed Medical Practitioners
4 scary things doctors are doing wrong (Doors closing in 2 days!)
Happy Halloween! For the past 10 years, I’ve worked with countless doctors, chiropractors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, physical therapists, massage therapists, pharmacists, the list goes on and on… Hundreds actually. I continually hear that...
Want a virtual medical practice but feeling scared? Learn more here.
I talk with at least 6 doctors or other licensed medical practitioners every week who want to expand in the online space…but they’re TERRIFIED. Like Juan (name changed for confidentiality, natch!). Juan is a doctor. He has an MD in Internal Medicine. Juan has a very...
Don’t wing it working across state lines as a licensed medical practitioner. Here’s why.
Doctors and licensed medical practitioners of all kinds are always asking me: “How can I work with people outside of my state? Or better yet - out of the country?” “I want to work only online from the comfort of my home, but isn’t that risky? Do I put my license at...
Introducing a legal fast-track for doctors and licensed medical practitioners
Are you a doctor or licensed medical practitioner who wants to protect your practice and expand your reach online? You’ve probably seen other practitioners taking their practices online. You’re scratching your head wondering, “How can I do that too?” and “How can THEY...
How to Legally Protect Your Practice and Reach More Clients – old
are you a doctoror licensed medical practitionerwho wants to protect your practiceand expand your reach online?You may be wondering... How can I legally work with peopleacross state lines? What kind of title should I use? What type of...