You asked for legal templates.
You asked for legal documents you could fill in yourself.
You asked for legal options that weren’t so freaking expensive.
I heard you.
And guess what? They’re HERE!
I am soooo excited to help you stop hiding behind the furniture to avoid doing the legal stuff. Um, yeah, I know you’re back there. I seeeeeee you….
(Yes, that’s a nod to Isla Fisher in the infamous “Wedding Crashers”.)
I am thrilled to make covering your buns WAY easier!
Announcing…. 8 new DIY Legal Templates (with MORE coming soon)!
These DIY Legal Templates are:
:: Easy to understand. No legal-mumbo jumbo.
:: Colorful. (yes, seriously – they’re legal documents that use color!) #noboringblackandwhite
:: Legally legit. And thorough.
:: With directions how to get them in place.
Here’s how they work:
You just download the DIY template and listen to the audio guide that walks you right through where to personalize it, so you don’t have to struggle to figure it out on your own. After you’ve filled it out, it’s ready to be used. And, each template is a Word document so you can easily edit and use it over and over again.
You can select from 8 DIY Legal Templates! Click on the banner below for more info:
DIY Legal Templates allow you to do it yourself, save money, and get covered 24/7.
AND, if you are a coach or entrepreneur who has been chomping at the bit to find DIY legal templates for YOUR clients that aren’t harsh, cold or corporate and that are created by an attorney who truly “gets” your clients, well, it’s your lucky day!
Register HERE to become a Legal Love™ affiliate and earn 25% commission on each DIY product!
Questions about the new DIY legal templates? Just hit reply and I am ALL YOURS!
Here’s to covering your buns with legal templates that make your biz (and your pocketbook) breathe a sigh of relief!
I’ll be adding MANY MORE legal templates on my brand-spankin’ new website coming soon! I’ve already got a list going, but what other templates do you need? I’ll be creating a bunch – so hit reply and let me know so I can create them for you!