Can’t afford a lawyer?

In a pinch?

Hate waiting a week or two to get on my calendar for a Legal Chat? (I know, I hate being that busy too…believe me!)

Maybe your brand new website goes live TOMORROW and you realize you don’t have a Website Disclaimer, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Gasp! Your website is BUCK NAKED!

What’s a girl – or a guy! – to do?

Enter my new DIY Legal Templates.

DIY Legal Templates allow you to do it yourself, save money, and get covered 24/7.

The DIY Legal Templates are:

:: Easy to understand. No legal-mumbo jumbo.
:: Colorful. (yes, seriously – legal documents that use color!) #noboringblackandwhite
:: Legally legit. And thorough.
:: With directions how to fill them out and use them (so you don’t have to figure it out yourself!)

They are simple Word documents that come with an audio guide and cute little video (actually, I’m quite dorky in them – I wear dresses in the colors of the chakras!)

Each DIY document aligns with a chakra – so they’re practical but they’re also good for your soul.

Legal documents created with love that you can use yourself – or share with your own clients.

And, if you’re a coach or entrepreneur who coaches OTHER coaches, you can celebrate! Sign up to be a Legal Love™ Affiliate and get 25% commission on each DIY template.

Here are the 8 DIY templates that are available now (click on each banner to learn more):


DIY Website Disclaimer

DIY Client Agreement

DIY Sole Proprietor Biz Registration + Taxes

DIY Website Terms & Conditions-2

DIY Privacy Policy

DIY Terms of Use for Online Programs & Products

Which Corporate Entity is Right for You? DIY Package

How Do I Know What’s Trademark Worthy? DIY Package


So cool, right?

Not sure which template that you need? Just comment below and I can help you figure it out!

Here’s to no more naked websites and to fab new DIY legal templates!

I’ll be adding MANY MORE legal templates on my brand-spankin’ new website coming soon! I’ve already got a list going, but what other templates do you need? I’ll be creating a bunch – so comment let me know so I can create them for you!

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